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More About Us & Our Services

Adrian’s Earwax Removal is a mobile Service, that aims to help people with all their Earwax Removal requirements, from the comfort of your own home, at a time that suits you. I have removed a few foreign objects too, from hearing aid tips to earring backings!


I've been studying ear anatomy for five years, and wax removal for 18 months. I then passed accredited courses with flying colours, and have been professionally practicing wax removal since October 2022. I have many happy satisfied clients on my books, with some lovely feedback comments. The NHS do not provide Earwax Removal as part of their service so please book our convenient mobile service.



I use two methods of wax Removal. Firstly, Microsuction. This is a modern medical machine, which creates a gentle vacuum and allows me to delicately remove wax by suction.


My second method is Irrigation. This is a much more modern and safe version of syringing. The Irrigation medical machine gently pulses warm water around the ear canal, moistens the wax and safely flushes it out.


Sometimes I will use both procedures. Irrigation to soften, then microsuction to remove.

Irrigation can NOT be used if you have a perforated eardrum (Tympanic membrane) or an infection of any kind. Also some people can have a build up of dead skin which has not migrated properly. Irrigation isn’t particularly effective in this situation. Basically after initial inspection of your ears, we will decide which procedure suits you best.


I have tried to keep this all simple and easy to understand. There are a few other manual tools which I will use to assist with wax removal, but these are the main two medical machines.



We are unable to diagnose infection or prescribe medicine. However, I have been trained to spot infection and abnormalities, and I can suggest that you see your GP. I can also contact and send your Doctors surgery detailed pictures of your inner ear with your permission.



I can perform wax removal procedures on under 16's at my discretion. Please get in touch for a chat about more specific details. 



PLEASE CONTACT YOUR DOCTOR TO SEE IF YOU HAVE INFECTION before booking in with me. If they say it is a wax problem, then please do get in touch.



Being mobile helps me to keep costs down for you!


Ear inspection with no wax or foreign item removal for both ears only £20

Ear inspection and wax or foreign item removal for both ears only £50 to £60


If I recommend that I need to call back to you. Example, I advise you to use olive oil ear spray for a few days, then I return to do the wax removal, or for any other reason. I will NOT charge you twice. I will just charge for the first visit.


I will always inspect both ears. Many people don’t even realise they have wax, and, or skin build up in the non problem ear. Most procedures can be done in around 30 minutes. However, this can go over or under this time frame. I will never rush or put pressure on you to get finished. Your comfort and needs will always come first with me. I aim for 100% satisfaction where my services can be of use.



Any contacting of GP's is included in the service at no extra cost.



Only the outer third of your ear produces wax, and this usually migrates naturally whilst your inner ears skin also migrates out. If you use cotton buds, hearing aids, noise reducing ear plugs and even music ear buds, you could be pushing the wax down into the bottom two thirds of your ear. It can then start to cause problems by getting pressed deeper into places it does not belong, thus causing uncomfortableness, and possible hearing problems. If the wax gets pushed in far enough, it will press against the eardrum, which may cause pain and will stop your eardrum moving freely.



After you get water in your ears your hearing is impaired for a while until it eventually drains out. When you wake up in the morning and your ear that has been laid against the pillow feels full and sticky, with impaired hearing for a while. Uncomfortableness, irritation, itchiness. It is possible that other things could cause this too, but if you have these symptoms, it is worth getting checked out.


I could go on about ears for way too long. The best thing you could do if you feel you have a problem is give me a call.


A final thought from me is that there are a lot of gadgets on the market these days for self wax removal, like the pencil type cameras with tips on the end to remove wax, or the plastic spiral tools. I don’t think you will find anybody in the ear profession that thinks these are a good idea. It would be so easy to injure yourself with such a tool. For the sake of the price of a professional inspection / wax removal, is it really worth risking injury?


Even if you don’t use my services, see someone else who does this professionally. The only thing I would recommend putting in your ears is medical grade olive oil spray (UNLESS YOU KNOW YOU HAVE A PERFORATED EARDRUM) . You can get it over the counter at pharmacies. Also if you use the spray and you can taste it in your throat. You may have a perforated eardrum which definitely requires a trip to see your doctor.


If you feel you need my services, please do not hesitate to call or contact me for a friendly NO OBLIGATION chat about your requirements. Even if you just want to ask a few questions about any possible earwax related issues, I am always happy to help if I can.


Take care everyone.

Kindest regards, Adrian


Let us take care of you today in the comfort of your own home!

Ear Wax Removal | Micro Suction Treatment in Boston Lincolnshire


Here to visit you in the comfort of your own home - Call Adrian Today!

Fully qualified ear wax removal in Boston, SKegness and Bourne Linclnshire
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07539 315235



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